Below is copied and pasted from assignment (JERRY FALWELL LIBRARY IS RECOMMENDED BUT I DO NOT KNOW IF YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THAT) • Your annotated bibliography must include: o At least three sources directly related to the topic selected in Part I of this assignment. (THE TRIAL OF ANNE HUTCHINSON) At least 1 source must be a collegiate level book. At least 1 source must be a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. At least 1 source must be a scholarly website (.edu, .gov, .org, .mil, etc.) o A key component of this task is to locate sources that include opposing viewpoints or alternate arguments related to the topic in review. Therefore, such viewpoints should be included in the annotations. o A citation for each assignment in proper current Turabian format. o An annotation of at least 75 words for each citation that includes a brief summary, the credentials of the author or source, and an evaluation of its usefulness in the project. • A key purpose for this assignment is to display and determine what the individual student learned and gleaned analytically from personal research. Thus, a clear majority of the body-content of the individual annotation write-ups should be written solely in the words of the student. Information can be BASED from chosen befitting outside sources, but, again, the body-content should dominately come from the student’s personal thoughts and presented in their own words. BELOW IS THE FORMAT EXPECTED FOR THE ASSIGNMENT(EXAMPLES FOR SOURCES SHOULD NOT BE USED!) [Your Name] [Course and Section number] [Date] [Selected Topic from Part I] Cohen, Charles L. “The ‘Liberty or Death’ Speech: A Note on Religion and Revolutionary Rhetoric.” The William and Mary Quarterly, 38:4 (Oct. 1981): 702–717. (EXAMPLE) [Type your summary of the source here] Kidd, Thomas S. Patrick Henry: First among Patriots. New York: Basic Books, 2011.(EXAMPLE) [Type your summary here] “Patrick Henry,” in American Experience (Public Broadcasting Service), 131:36 mins. (EXAMPLE) [Next summary] [These sources are provided as an example of how your annotated bibliography should appear. Do not include these sources in your bibliography.]