Research Paper on To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Must have a well crafted thesis statement! Must include To Kill a Mockingbird as the primary source and TWO secondary sources. Length: The paper is to be from 3 to 6 pages long, not counting the Title and Works Cited pages. Sources: The Works Cited page should include a minimum of three works, one primary source (To Kill a Mockingbird) and at least two secondary sources. Only two internet sites will be accepted as secondary sources. Internet sources are limited to .edu, .net, or .org sites ( is NOT an acceptable .org source) All sources used for writing the paper must be cited. Research source material: You are only required to have a minimum of three research sources 1 primary source (To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee) and 2 secondary topic research sources All secondary sources can be web based All web based sources are limited to .org, .edu, or .govs If you would like to use a .com source, you must clear it with me first. You may use print sources if you have access to them. E-books count as print sources Length Requirement: All research papers must be between 3 – 6 pages in length. You must include a work cited page. You no longer need a separate title page (use the traditional MLA header instead). MLA rules on spacing, font, and margins are still expected to be followed. Thesis Proposal: You are not required to submit a thesis proposal, but you are required to satisfy the thesis criteria below. You will have an opportunity to conference individually with me on Thursday- if you are not confident about your thesis, please be sure to do so. Research Paper Due Date: Monday, May 18th during your class period. *Remember that the research paper is your final exam and failure to submit it Monday will result in a zero for your final exam grade. Thesis statement template: Option 1: Insert author’s name add a verb (what is the author doing? (ex. suggests, illustrates, cautions, step 1 step 2 encourages, explores, discourages, etc) explain the connection between the primary source step 3 and the secondary topic what writing strategy is used tie it back to the primary source by step 4 step 5 ending with the form/ title. Example: Emily Dickinson reveals her own struggle with clinical depression through the use of vivid imagery in her poem, “There is a Certain Slant of Light”. Option 2: Introduce the primary source form, title, and author, add a verb (what is the author doing? (ex. step 1 Step 2 suggests, illustrates, cautions, encourages, explores, reveals, discourages, etc) explain the connection between the primary source and the secondary topic what writing strategy is used Step 3 step 4 Example: In her poem “There is a Certain Slant of Light,” Emily Dickinson reveals her own struggle with clinical depression and agoraphobia through the use of vivid imagery. Please note: every thesis MUST tie the primary source to the secondary topic with the appropriate verb and include a writing strategy. Possible verbs: Possible Writing Strategies: Explores setting Illustrates characterization Encourages imagery Discourages diction Reveals symbolism Cautions allegory Suggests conflict