Final Submission: Research Proposal
In Module Ten, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Product Rubric.
Guidelines for Submission: Your research proposal must be 10–15 pages in length and adhere to standard formatting (Times New Roman 12-point font, one-inch
margins), using the most recent version of the APA style manual for the citations.
PSY 510 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The field of psychology is built upon rigorous research. Theories are constantly proposed, tested, supported, and invalidated through research studies that are
communicated to the field via peer-reviewed research papers. As such, individuals in the field of psychology must be both informed consumers and educated
producers of psychological research.
This course is the first in the sequence of two research methods courses. In this first course, you will create a research proposal centered on a testable research
question. In the second course, you will actually conduct research around your research question, guided by your proposal, and using your classmates as your
research participants. Keep in mind when creating your research question and proposal that the topic must be one that is approachable and able to be answered
by your colleagues. The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure
quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, Six, and Eight. The final product will be submitted in Module Ten.
This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:
Evaluate research designs in published studies for their appropriateness in addressing psychological research questions
Synthesize peer-reviewed research in psychology for supporting testable research proposals
Propose data collection strategies for developing methodologically sound research proposals
Select appropriate data analysis methods for informing valid and reliable research results
Apply the American Psychological Association’s principles and standards for creating professional, ethically sound research proposals
For this assessment, you will create a research proposal centered on a testable research question and hypothesis, substantiated with peer-reviewed research. In
the following course, Research Methods II, you will actually conduct research around your research question, guided by your proposal. You are required to use
your Southern New Hampshire University classmates as your research participants, so keep in mind when creating your research question and proposal that the
topic must be one that is approachable and able to be answered by your colleagues. You are prohibited from using anyone outside of Southern New Hampshire
University for your study.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Problem Statement: Describe the general topic you will address and its importance and relevance to real-world issues.
II. Literature Review: In this section, you will use existing research on your subject and draw conclusions for informing your research proposal.
a) Summarize existing, applicable research in the field around your topic, utilizing peer-reviewed sources.
b) Identify the different research designs that have been used to generate knowledge on this topic, and describe how they differ.
c) Differentiate between the research designs for their advantages and disadvantages in addressing the research questions, providing specific
examples from the research.
d) Evaluate the appropriateness of the research designs to the research questions, providing justification for your assertions. Which design seems
most appropriate in addressing the question and why?
e) Summarize what is unknown or uncertain about your topic, synthesizing the applicable existing research on the topic.
f) Discuss the appropriateness of the data analysis procedures used in the literature as they relate to the American Psychological Association’s
principles and standards. Consider the assumptions made and presentation of data.
III. Research Question and Hypothesis
a) Based on your research about the topic, create a testable research question.
b) Create a testable hypothesis based on your research question and research about the topic, explaining the extent to which the research
supports your hypothesis.
c) Describe the variables that will be measured and/or manipulated in your study, and explain the selection of variables. Specifically, what
independent and dependent variables will be used to test your hypothesis?
IV. Proposed Methodology
a) Outline who you plan to use as participants and how many participants you will need, providing justification.
b) Describe the materials (surveys, etc.) that will be used in your study and why these materials are most appropriate for your proposal, justifying
claims with resources.
c) Describe the procedures you will use to collect your data and how these will appropriately address your research question.
d) Discuss the ethical concerns involved in your study and the steps you will take to remedy them. Consider who will be studied, what risks they
will be exposed to, and what steps will be taken to maintain the confidentiality of their responses and to obtain informed consent.
V. Data Analysis Plan
a) Explain what procedures you will use to prepare your raw data for analysis. If you have open-ended questions, how will they be coded? If you
collected responses to multiple survey questions, how will the data be aggregated for analysis?
b) Propose general analytical procedures that you will use to analyze your data, and explain how these procedures will help obtain valid and
reliable research results.
c) Describe which descriptive statistics that could be obtained from your data would be most informative in answering your research question and
d) Discuss how your proposed data analysis methods are ethical and aligned to the American Psychological Association’s principles and standards.
VI. Anticipated Results: What do you expect the results of your study to be, and how do your expected results complement or contradict the results in
previous literature?
Milestone One: Topic Selection, Search Terms, and Preliminary Research Question
In Module Two, you will submit a description of the topic that you will focus on for the final project as well as a preliminary research question that will guide your
paper. It is understood that your research question will likely change and evolve as you read the literature on your topic, but it is important to have a research
question to guide your reading. You will also submit a list of search terms that you will use to find peer-reviewed articles on your topic in the Shapiro Library’s
electronic databases. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Research Question, Hypothesis, and Annotated Bibliography
In Module Four, you will submit a description of the research question and hypothesis (or hypotheses) that will guide your research. You will also submit an
annotated bibliography of at least eight peer-reviewed sources. For each article, you will need to provide full bibliographic information, the abstract, and a
summary of the key findings of the article and how they relate to your research question. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Initial Draft of Introduction and Literature Review
In Module Six, you will submit an initial draft of your introduction and literature review. This paper should 1) introduce the general topic that you are
researching, 2) provide a summary of the peer-reviewed literature on the topic, and 3) introduce your research question and hypothesis. This milestone will be
graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Milestone Four: Initial Draft of Methods, Data Analysis, and Anticipated Results Sections
In Module Eight, you will submit an initial draft of your methods, data analysis, and anticipated results sections. The methods section should describe the
participants to be studied and the methods to be utilized for the proposed research project. The data analysis section should discuss the basic plan for analyzing
the data, and the anticipated results section should discuss the expected findings. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.
Final Submission: Research Proposal
In Module Ten, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Product Rubric.
Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
1 Topic Selection, Search Terms, and
Preliminary Research Question
Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
2 Research Question, Hypothesis, and
Annotated Bibliography
Four Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
3 Initial Draft of Introduction and Literature
Six Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
4 Initial Draft of Methods, Data Analysis, and
Anticipated Results Sections
Eight Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric
Final Submission: Research Proposal Ten Graded separately; Final Product Rubric
Final Product Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your research proposal must be 10–15 pages in length and adhere to standard formatting (Times New Roman 12-point font, one-inch
margins), using the most recent version of the APA style manual for the citations.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Problem Statement Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides specific, concrete
examples linking the topic to
real-world issues
Describes the general topic of
the proposal and its importance
and relevance to real-world
Describes the general topic of
the proposal, but does not
describe its importance or
relevance to real-world issues or
has gaps in detail or accuracy
Does not describe the general
topic of the proposal
Literature Review:
Existing Research
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides an especially wellintegrated discussion of the key
themes from the articles
Summarizes existing, applicable
research, utilizing peer-reviewed
Summarizes existing research,
utilizing peer-reviewed sources,
but resources are not applicable
to topic or summary has gaps in
detail or accuracy
Does not summarize existing
Literature Review:
Research Designs
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides specific, concrete
examples of research designs
utilized in previous literature
Identifies different research
designs used to generate
knowledge on the topic and
describes how they differ
Identifies different research
designs used to generate
knowledge on the topic and
describes how they differ, but
description has gaps in accuracy
or detail
Does not identify different
research designs used to
generate knowledge on the topic
Literature Review:
Advantages and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides specific, concrete
examples from the literature of
the advantages and
disadvantages of research
Differentiates between research
designs for their advantages and
disadvantages in addressing the
research question, providing
specific examples from research
Differentiates between research
designs for their advantages and
disadvantages in addressing the
research question, but does not
provide specific examples from
research, or differentiation has
gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not differentiate between
research designs for their
advantages and disadvantages in
addressing the research question
Literature Review:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of appropriate
research design for a research
Evaluates the appropriateness of
the research designs to the
research questions, providing
justification, and determines the
most appropriate design,
providing justification
Evaluates the appropriateness of
the research designs to the
research questions, providing
justification, but does not
determine the most appropriate
Does not evaluate the
appropriateness of the research
designs to the research questions
Literature Review:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides an especially wellintegrated discussion of the key
themes from the articles
Summarizes what is unknown or
uncertain about the topic,
utilizing applicable research on
the topic
Summarizes what is unknown or
uncertain about the topic,
utilizing research, but resources
are not applicable to topic, or
summary has gaps in detail or
Does not summarize what is
unknown or uncertain about the
Literature Review:
Principles and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the APA’s principles and
standards as they apply to data
Discusses the appropriateness of
the data analysis procedures
used in the literature as they
relate to the APA’s principles and
Discusses the appropriateness of
the data analysis procedures
used in the literature, but does
not relate these to the APA’s
principles and standards, or
discussion has gaps in accuracy
or detail
Does not discuss the
appropriateness of the data
analysis procedures used in the
literature as they relate to the
APA’s principles and standards
Research Question
and Hypothesis:
Research Question
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
creates an interesting research
question that legitimately
warrants further research
Creates a testable research
question based on the previous
research around the topic
Creates a testable research
question, but question is not
based on the previous research
around the topic
Does not create a testable
research question
Research Question
and Hypothesis:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides specific and concrete
evidence supporting the research
Creates a testable hypothesis
based on the research question
and research around the topic,
explaining the extent to which
the research supports the
Creates a hypothesis based on
the research question and
research around the topic, but
does not explain the extent to
which the research supports the
hypothesis, hypothesis is not
testable, or explanation has gaps
in detail or accuracy
Does not create a hypothesis
based on the research question
and research around the topic
Research Question
and Hypothesis:
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
variables are
especially well aligned to the
research question
Describes the variables that will
be measured and/or
manipulated in the study,
explaining the selection of the
Describes the variables that will
be measured and/or
manipulated in the study, but
does not explain the selection of
the variables, or variables are
inappropriate, or description or
explanation has gaps in detail or
Does not describe the variables
that will be measured and/or
manipulated in the study
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
number and type of participants
are especially well aligned to the
research question
Outlines the number of
participants needed and who
they are, providing justification
for selection
Outlines the number of
participants needed and who
they are, but does not provide
justification for selection, or
selection is inappropriate
Does not outline the number of
participants needed and who
they are
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
materials are especially well
aligned to the research question
Describes the materials that will
be used in the study and why the
materials are most appropriate
for the proposal, justifying claims
with resources
Describes the materials that will
be used in the study and why the
materials are most appropriate
for the proposal, but does not
justify claims with resources or
has gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not describe the materials
that will be used in the study and
why the materials are most
appropriate for the proposal
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
procedures are especially well
aligned to the research question
Describes the procedures
proposed to collect data and how
the procedures will appropriately
address the research question
Describes the procedures
proposed to collect data and how
the procedures will appropriately
address the research question,
but with gaps in detail or
accuracy, or procedures are
Does not describe the
procedures proposed to collect
data and how the procedures will
appropriately address the
research question
Methodology: Ethical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of the types of
ethical concerns that arise and
steps to remedy them
Discusses the ethical concerns
involved in the study and the
steps to remedy them
Discusses the ethical concerns
involved in the study, but does
not propose steps to remedy
them, or discussion or steps lack
accuracy or detail
Does not discuss the ethical
concerns involved in the study
and the steps to remedy them
Data Analysis Plan:
Prepare Raw Data
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of preparing data
Explains the procedures to
prepare raw data for analysis
Explains the procedures to
prepare raw data for analysis,
with gaps in accuracy or detail, or
procedures are inappropriate
Does not explain the procedures
to prepare raw data for analysis
Data Analysis Plan:
Analytic Procedures
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of the value of
analytic procedures
Proposes analytic procedures for
analyzing data and explains how
these will help obtain valid and
reliable research results
Proposes analytic procedures for
analyzing data, but does not
explain how these will help
obtain valid and reliable research
results, proposal lacks accuracy
or detail, or procedures are
Does not propose analytic
procedures for analyzing data
Data Analysis Plan:
Descriptive Statistics
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
descriptive statistics are
especially well aligned to the
research question
Describes which descriptive
statistics obtained from the data
would be most informative in
answering the research question
and why
Describes which descriptive
statistics obtained from the data
would be most informative in
answering the research question,
but does not explain why, or
description has gaps in accuracy
or detail
Does not describe which
descriptive statistics obtained
from the data would be most
informative in answering the
research question
Data Analysis Plan:
Principles and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the APA’s principles and
standards as they apply to data
Discusses how the proposed data
analysis methods are ethical, as
outlined by the APA
Discusses how the proposed data
analysis methods are ethical, but
does not relate these to the APA,
or discussion has gaps in
accuracy or detail
Does not discuss how the
proposed data analysis methods
are ethical, as outlined by the
Anticipated Results Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides especially compelling
rationale for why the anticipated
results are being predicted
Predicts results of the study and
explains how these results will
complement or contradict
previous literature
Predicts results of the study, but
does not explain how these
results will complement or
contradict previous literature, or
has gaps in detail or accuracy
Does not predict results of the
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
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