bluebook citations Assignment Instructions In law school, law students are asked to read cases and apply what they have learned in their readings to complex fictitious stories called fact patterns. After reading the assigned reading for this week, please analyze the below fact pattern: Little Jimmy, a ten-year exchange student from China, plays first base for the Birmingham Bluebirds in a local little league run by a small Catholic school in Birmingham, Alabama. While Little Jimmy has made a serious effort to learn the mechanics of baseball, he continues to struggle to understand the mechanics of the game. One day, while on deck waiting to bat, Little Jimmy’s coach instructs him to start swinging his bat to warm up. Little Jimmy hits another player in the head with his bat. When Little Jimmy strikes the other player in the head, the other player’s helmet shatters on impact. As a result of the accident, the player hit by Little Jimmy suffers life-altering brain damage. The injured player’s parents enter your law firm’s office asking your advice. Please make sure that you also note what additional information that you would need to determine the liability of any parties sued. When analyzing this fact pattern, please make sure that you identify any parties that the injured players’s parents may sue and any legal defenses that these parties may raise. Also, consider the impact of state law on the analysis of the parties’ liability and defenses.