1. Choose a quote that inspires or intrigues you from the appropriate chapter in the textbook, and display it at the top of your post = 4 points “Internet radio allows for much more variety in radio, which is reminiscent of radio’s earliest years, when nearly any individual or group with some technical skill could start a radio station” (151). 2. Write at least two substantive paragraphs of personal reflection about (or inspired by) that quote. = 10 points DO NOT tell us what the quote means. DO tell us why you chose it. DO NOT tell us that you chose your quote “because it’s true.” Be more thoughtful and creative than that. DO tell us why it called to you, and how it relates to your own experience. DO NOT write just two or three sentences and call it a paragraph. Make them substantial, with topic sentences and supporting sentences. Just like in English class. DO format your entry properly, with full paragraphs and visible paragraph breaks between them at appropriate and logical places within the context of your blog. 3. Comment substantively (at least four sentences), in a way that moves the discussion forward, on at least two of your fellow classmates blog posts. Start your post with a greeting such as, “Hi, _______” and use your classmates’ name (required).