This writing assignment has been designed to meet the requirements of Broward College’s general education assessment process. It requires research. The competency being evaluated is information literacy. Pick artists showcased in Art:21:Power and state something about each artist related to the following criteria: Reflect on the media used by two of the four artists in the video. Research each artist selected and the media used to create their art. Describe their artwork and how the media they used enhances the meaning of the work. Several of the artists use mixed media. Which media do they mix? (You must include these criteria about media in your paper to receive an A for understanding. Your paper should be predominately about how media enhances the meaning of the artwork, not power. You’ll find that each of these artists talk about the media that they use to create their artwork. Don’t just quote the artists or state the facts. Pay close attention to what they say and reflect on it. Use examples from the video and your research to substantiate your statements.) Quality of grammar, punctuation, and spelling represent 20% of the grade for this assignment. Be sure to spell the artists’ names properly! To receive an A for the assignment, you must submit a paper that is more than two pages in length (approximately 700 words). Papers that are too short will receive a lower grade. Your statements must reflect higher-order thinking (critical, logical, reflective, or creative thinking). Merely stating what you saw in the video (facts) or quoting researched sources, will not be enough. You must connect the dots. You do need to prove that you watched the video but, more importantly, you must reflect upon the material. Your statements for the video, Art:21:Power, must be about two (2) of the four (4) artists shown in the video: Cai Guo-Qiang (gunpowder, mixed media) Laylah Ali (gouache) Krzysztof Wodiczko (projection) Ida Applebroog (mixed media, clay) General Education requirements Locate information (find three (3) references per artist) Read with critical comprehension Evaluate information Use information effectively to support an argument Select appropriate sources (FYI: Wikipedia is NOT an appropriate source) Citations must be in MLA format (refer to page 14 in the handout, Success Tips for Writing Assignments) Represents 10% of the grade for the assignment Every paper must have a Works Cited page Within your text, you must include an in-text citation enclosed within parentheses. For instance, the following quote by Marcel Duchamp. “What I have in mind is that art may be bad, good or indifferent, but, whatever adjective is used, we must call it art, and bad art is still art in the same way that a bad emotion is still an emotion.” (Duchamp) Example of the contents of a Works Cited page Duchamp, Marcel. “The Creative Act.” Session on the Creative Act. Convention of the American Federation of Arts, Apr. 1957, Houston, Texas. “Identity.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, “Power.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, The filename for your submission must contain your full name! Please refer to the checklist for this unit to see the due dates for this assignment. This activity is worth 80 points. Assignments are automatically checked by Turnitin for plagiarism and grammar. Substantially quoting an author without putting quote marks around the quoted material and giving credit to the author is plagiarism and will result in a failing grade for an assignment or discussion for the first infraction. A second infraction will result in a failing grade for the course. If your browser does not take you to the video using the link above, copy and paste the following link into your browser: