Choose one of these movies on addiction: 28 Days (rated PG-13) Basketball Diaries (rated R) Clean and Sober (rated R) Crazy Heart (rated R) Watch the movie and write a 6-8 page paper on the following: Diagnose the client based on the DSM criteria and support your rationale for the diagnosis. Choose one assessment tool to score the client on, describe why you chose that assessment tool and provide rationale for the score the individual received. Develop a basic treatment plan addressing each of the six dimensions of the Rule 25 assessment (Withdrawal Potential; Biomedical complications and conditions; Emotional/Behavioral/cognitive conditions and complications; Readiness for Change; Relapse, continued use, and continued problem potential; and Recovery environment) based on the Treatment Plan reading (identify the problem area , behavioral criteria to support the problem area highlighted, and then develop a goal, objective and intervention for each problem area). Highlight at least one multicultural factor that you would address in the treatment plan and create a specific goal to address that need. What resources/referrals would you consider for concurrent or continuing care (this should be incorporated into the treatment plan – e.g. referral to a primary medical doctor, therapist or further testing) for this client? Where in your community would you refer them either for primary care, additional resources, or continuing care/aftercare (identify at least three community resources and your rationale for the referrals).